Sunday, April 5, 2009

No Joke

Today I had an early Easter with the Family and friends. Four generations of them. And four generations of love and laughing and good food and holiday traditions that I'm just now getting the hang of; I'm still shaking the confetti out of my hair (and I'll leave you with that for now).

I'll write more later about the experience of being a one-who-used-to-be-two in the midst of such comfort and silliness, but for now, the subject of the post:

Aida's mother.

While listening to Aida's dad tell me a story of something or other about Aida's mom, he very naturally and easily referred to her as "your mother-in-law."

So good. I feel so good.

Goodnight, Dad. Goodnight, Mom.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love this - I am so glad that you have a family, and I know they love you. I also think that your desire to explore grief from the LGBT perspective is extremely important - you are a group that has been ignored in so many areas of life, including this one. Do what feels right.
